Obituary  –Werner Schaller-

Schaller Automation mourns for company founder Werner Schaller


Blieskastel. Mourning for company founder Werner Schaller. The founder of the company Schaller Automation Industrielle Automationstechnik has passed away on the 31st of May 2019 at the age of 93. The graduated engineer founded the company in 1956, with today’s company head office in Blieskastel. As a pioneer in developing digital sensors, Werner Schaller focused the company at an early stage on the development and production of oil mist detectors for large Diesel engines. His mission was the safety for humans and engines with precise and reliable oil mist detection. Until today there are more than 55.000 systems in use worldwide. The company is represented worldwide due to its own subsidiaries and partners.

Werner Schaller has always been a creative mind and advisor and remained close to the company until shortly before his passing away.

He was actively engaged in organizations and worked a lifelong intensively with Universities and scientific institutes.

We will honor his memory and we will continue his lifework.

Dipl.-Kfm. Stephan Schaller

Managing Director

Schaller Partner & Promotion Centre worldwide